I had today off work, but after going into the city to get a haircut, do some shopping, including new sandles, I didn't get much done today. Luckily it is a small room! I want to get it mostly sorted tomorrow (another day off)
Tomorrow I also want to go up to the cemetery to cut the grass round the gravestones, They do mow the grounds, but not 101% up close to the stones for safety sake, so I want to get them looking good ... we have good weather here, and it is Easter.
Anywaay, once I have done the study I want to finally get on with my spare room ... a job that REALLY needs doing!!
My other decorating project is one I am not doing. Tonight someone came to pick up my garden bench to clean, repair & varnish. I know some people will think I am mad to spend money on an old bench .... however, it was a gift to Mum when she left her P/T job back in 1983. She went to work for the 4 years I was at college, and worked at a departmental store (where I also worked Saturdays, & holidays) ... and they had a collection when she left (so rare at that shop), and she had this super bench. I don't want to loose it.
Oh well, as you can see I am busy .... which is good ... especially as I do struggle with depression, as most of you know. So am pleased that I am beginning to kick back some focus.
... And as teragramm knows, I am also trying to learn more techniques for my icons ... and attempting banners. She foolishly offered to give me a bit of help, and supposrt. Thank you