Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,


I know .... where have I been?  Ummmm, nowhere!  Just days have shot past me.  I have done a few extra shifts at work (on reception in another part of the hospital) which was a great challenge, and one I enjoyed doing (so much so I have booked a couple more).  I have managed to get to the gym a couple of times a week, as well, so haven't been lazy at all.

I will admit evenings have drifted a bit (thus lack of LJing), however I have made an effort to do something so have done jigsaws ... in fact 2 since Christmas.

The first one was a pressie from Christine ... in memory of all the sight-seeing we did over the year.  The second one was borried from a work friend, as her fiance bought her one for Christmas (she had never done one since a kid), but loved it, and so we actually did a swap!  So, 2 x 1,000 pieces (well, there was one piece missing on Ceri's puzzle, which she had told me) ... and I have just found anouther to start tonight.

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 photo DSC_0008_zpsc363lemu.jpg

So, hope you are all well, will try to catch up later
Group hugs
Tags: friends, jigsaw, mia

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