Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

I'm Back!!! ....

.... Although as I have been so intermittant, I doubt you missed me!

Anyway, I will try better, although as I took "a few" photos while away, I may be a bit in & out.  However, if you want, I will post here.

Three amazing cities, and a couple of fascinating towns, mosttly a superb group ... means as well as lots of photos, there was lots of laughter.  The 9 days went so, so fast.

Jiffy is home, and snoring at my feet, as I type.  I think he had a fun time, as well ... but he seems even happier to be home.

Hope your September's are going well ... if I missed anything vital, let me know.  I will try to catch up as I go over the next day or so.

Group *hugs*
Tags: europe, holiday 2018, jiffy

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