Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Italy 2018 - Day 5 - Rome a

The only thing we had to pay extra for on our trip was the visit to the Cistine Chapel.  Soewhere I had wanted to visit, so  paid for the extra.  We had a guide, and although we were not allowed to take pictures in the Chapel itself, we did walk through a section of the museum.  The Pope's over the years have certainly collected a lot of artifacts.

The reason we couldn't take pictutes is actually secular, not religious.  Some years ago Fugi paid to have the paintings cleaned, and they now have copywrite on the images for 25 (I think) years)

The Chapel itself is stunning, and is used as the personal place of prayer for the Pope.  Our guide, before we entered, explained the layout of the paintings, and in doing so made me realise how the whole story flowed ... stunning

Just before the Chapel were other frescos painted at the same time as the Chapel
 photo Vatican Museum 131_zpsj6gqagzy.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 125_zpsj1hbbfqz.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 115_zpszcprj35c.jpg
The hall of maps - this is the original 15th century image of Italy
 photo Vatican Museum 99_zpsczvedqhg.jpg
 .... the ceiling in the map gallery
 photo Vatican Museum 87_zpstd3mrclo.jpg
A tapestry done at the same time - Jesus Christ rising from the tomb, and scaring away the soldiers
 photo Vatican Museum 85_zpsbliy1rb4.jpg
A child's sarcphagus from the 2nd century  ... I just love the dog scrating behind an ear
 photo Vatican Museum 74_zpskpjtgzzi.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 69_zpsx3oesyi5.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 67_zpsedqjrvye.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 55_zpswgfox8cp.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 51_zpsjtus4xpb.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 49_zpsmbsihxnp.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 24_zpsship7lde.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 48_zpsxwet0lwq.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 15_zpsinqvnvrc.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 14_zps0zxzj9lf.jpg

In the gardens
 photo Vatican Museum 25_zpszx9uquko.jpg

 photo Vatican Museum 10_zpszxkmxoyd.jpg
The modern entrance
 photo Vatican Museum 5_zps9ybja3cw.jpg

Tags: camera, christian, holiday 2018, italy

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