Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Spike Won't Bite Me !!

A couple of weeks ago I went to give blood - once I had established that it was over 3 months (by one day) since the injury to my hand  (as it was an open injury they have that rule in England) I had the basic test - and was turned down.

The double irony was that I had never actually given blood before - we have a mobile unit here about 4 times a year and I usually miss the adverts.  I had made a real effort to note this one, as I felt that, although I hadn't needed blood last December, if I had been operated on as was suggested at one point, I would have had blood ready for me.

I was told that my haemoglobin levels were a bit low.  They would do a blood test for me - but they would re-book me for their next visit in 3 months time.

Today I had a letter in the post - asking me to see my doctor and that the Blood Transfusion Service does not want my blood for at least a year.

I have tried getting an appointment - but like doctor's surgeries the world over - no luck.  so I am going to go down first thing tomorrow - at least that way I can't get an engaged tone on the phone! 
Tags: blood count, injury

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