Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Holiday - February 2018 (1)

I had a great trip with Jiffy, driving up to Northamptonshire, mainly to visit my Aunt, but while there did some other sightseeing.

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Auntie Mary was Mum's best friend, and has always been an amazing Aunt to all 3 of us.  It was lovely to suprise her, and spend much of the day with her ... and, as you can see, Jiffy was very happy in his visit as well.

As we were leaving (Auntie Mary was recovering from a bad cold), Jiffy & I had a walk round the village that she lives in -

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Auntie Mary's house ... her garden is facing her on the opposite side of the road
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Woodford Church, St Mary the Virgin
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... and a visitor
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Great way of (not) having stained glass
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Looking across to the river Nene
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The village square
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The war memorial
Tags: auntie mary, camera, holiday 2018, jiffy, northamptonshire

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