Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

A Random Thought

I am just wondering - whenever I am at the gym I notice something really weird (well, it is to me). People leave the changing rooms, and some leave the locker wide open ... so if you are not looking and you bend down you can bash your head? Why? I empty my locker then push the door closed ... Huh! People are weird.

Anyway, on a less random vein, I will do the next day of my meme ...

February 2 - Are you superstitious?


(However), Mum had a clock that she had inherited from her grandfather when he died back in 1953. Dad always wound it every Friday evening. When granddad died in 1978 the clock stopped, and it took dad a couple of weeks to start it again. The same when grandma died. (Not the other grandparents though!). A few years before mum died she was very poorly, and her first question was ... is the clock still working!

So, no explanation at all ... but it does make you wonder.

At present it is upstairs and needs a service before I hang it back up ... so will let you know!!
Tags: family, february meme, gym

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