Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Snowflake Challenge Day 8

Day 8

In your own space, share a favourite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favourite interview, a book, a scene from a movie, etc) and explain why you love it so much.

Another one that's hard to pick. Each of the TV series that I follow have given me so many moments of enjoyment.

I wonder if you will guess which TV series I have opted for? M*A*S*H Did you guess?

When I first started watching M*A*S*H it was episode 2 and I had the TV on to keep me awake while baby-sitting at our neighbours house! However within a couple of episodes I stayed up to watch it even when I wasn't next door! As the seasons progressed it started being shown at 9 O'clock and I got the rest of the family hooked on it, as well.

As the years progressed I went to college, and for a term I had to miss M*A*S*H as I had evening classes! All my friends used to hear my moans, but I got Mum to make notes for me, so I kept up with the overall story. I left college in the summer of 1983, and that Christmas 16 of us had arranged to meet up in London ... and then the TV schedule was released, and I got a phone call to let me know that everyone had changed the date for me!!! Yes, the last episode was due to be shown, and yes, I would have cancelled going to meet up with everyone (as they knew).

Anyway, that last episode, "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" really struck home with me. I had spent a great 4 years at college, made some real friends, worked hard and laughed hard ... yet I knew that we had already drifted apart, due to "life". This is one of the main themes of this episode ... so many tough times and good friendship, yet they realised that USA geography would be a problem. There was also the debate about where and what everyone would do ... something our year had done.

So, as much as I still love M*A*S*H, and that final episode for what it is, is also reminds me of a huge time of change for me.
Tags: college, mash, snowflake challenge

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