Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,


And so we get to the last day of the year ...I haven't really been around much as I have battled several viral infections and underlying depression.

However on a truly positive note I had an amazing month in America (thank you Annemarie & Angela) ... and some great days out (thank you Brenda and Christine). I got to spend time with both my brothers ... and especially lovely to see my nephews.

So super memories do outweigh the tough days ... but tomorrow we start a new year, and as ever wonder what the future holds. However as a favourite hymn quoted this morning, at Church -

"I know who holds the future
And He'll guide me with his hand
With God things don't just happen,
Everything by him is planned.
So as I face tomorrow,
With its problems large and small,
I'll trust the God of miracles,
Give to Him my all. "

So I am going to finish the year here, knowing I owe replies to comments ... let me assure you I have read them all, and it is "my bad" that life is getting away from me. I aim to start anew tomorrow, and try to be a better LJ-er next year.

God bless xx
Tags: depression, family, friends, holiday 2017, ill, new year, you tube

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