Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

London 2017, #5

No matter how many times I visit, I love The V&A and The British Museum ... and here are a few images from both -

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 An Egyption make-up container
 photo Make-up holder_zpslkjavqjm.jpg

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The Rosetta Stone
 photo DSC_0564_zpsf7oxwgf2.jpg

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 photo DSC_0553_zps1sfqecwa.jpg

 photo AD 25_zps6nfhqi7m.jpg

 photo DSC_0375_zpsjis5oagj.jpg

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George Formby's ukelele
 photo DSC_0337_zpsrkuvsnjt.jpg
"Adam Ant"
 photo Stand amp Deliver - Adam Ant_zpszqxjjjxn.jpg
A 14th century wall hanging
 photo Swan amp Otter Hunt Tapestry - 1430_zpsjw1llop5.jpg

 photo DSC_0316_zpszuwqzadi.jpg

 photo DSC_0304_zpswwjvegih.jpg
Tags: camera, holiday 2017, london, museum

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