Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,


..... of what, you ask!

This is the fifth viral infection that has floored me this year .... twice since I got back from The States.  All my doctor notes is that I am unlucky.  At least this time I didn't get stuck in bed for a month.

I was taken ill suddenly on Sunday, having had a normal Saturday, I saw my doctor the following day, and he said it was a viral sinus infection that had totally screwed my asthma.  Anyway I am certainly a lot better, although not 100%, however I am still going to London, as planned, tomorrow.

I took Jiffy to Moira this afternoon, and I was pleased that he pulled towards her when we got there, so was pleased he was obviously happy.  She did ask about my past questions and worries, but I assured her that if I had been truly concerned then I wouldn't have re-booked him.  So I was also impressed that she raised the matter, I wasn't going to.

So he is on holiday, and I go tomorrow.  So having been MIA this week with the bugs, I will be missing until next week.  I will be taking photos (of course), but am not keeping a blog on this trip, and will post a few photos next week.  I will try to get caught up with comments before I go, however I haven't thought about packing, and need an early night.

So, see you all on the flip-side ... and hopefully see deborahw37 sooner than that!!
Tags: asthma, friends, holiday 2017, ill, jiffy, london

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