Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Hi - Remember Me?

I am back - and to say that the last month was amazing is such an understatement.  Brilliant, fantastic .... etc, etc.

I still am not up to date with my holiday blog, but am getting there.  For those who didn't follow it, but want to have a look, the first post is here .... it will save me having to import my photos. However, as I took over 3,500, if anyone wants to see more of anything, they only have to ask.

Hope you all had a good month - sorry I missed birthdays etc, but was staying off-line as much as I could so people who know me wouldn't realise my house was empty.

Did I miss any vital news, if so let me know ... otherwise, it will be a day or 2 before I am fully organised, then ... watch out!
Tags: holiday 2017, personal, photos, usa

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  • And Another Monday Rolls Along

    I suppose like most people I have been horrified by the images from around LA - having a close friend living there made it all the more personal,…

  • What An Appropriate Day For An Election!!

    I do hope, whichever way, the USA votes that it will end up best for the country ... best for the world. However today, in England, we celebrate…

  • Another Lovely Morning

    Not as much fun as yesterday ... no ice-cream this time, but I had cake! I picked up Claire this morning and we went to the garden centre again.…