Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Happy Star Wars Day

 photo ogimage_img_zpsppn5mv8e.jpg

... and, yes, I am looking forward to the next episode at the end of the year.

Well so much for being around more often!  I have managed to keep going at work, get to the gym .... but that's it.  I am very tired, so haven't done much more than snooze in front of the TV in an evening.  Great as when I get in from work, one of the channels has been showing re-runs of Dr Quinn, so that's a good start to relaxation.  I don't always get to see it all as I am walking Jiffy, but as I know the story that's not a problem.

I have Tim & Claire coming over tomorrow for tea.  I haven't seen them since Christmas, so it will be nice to catch up.  Did I tell you Nick & family came here about 10 days ago ... for lunch, and to see Mum & Dad's graves.  We had a good time.

Yet again, I am sorry .... I haven't forgotten you all, and do miss you.  But the brain doesn't catch up too quickly ... sorry.
Tags: chronic fatigue syndrome, dr quinn, gym, nick and tim, star wars, work

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