Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Exeter Guildhall 2

I went to the Coopers Company and Coborn School - all the guilds, and rich merchants that were involved in Exeter have their own individually designed panel.
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Slightly blurred as I didn't use flash ... love these details on the top of a cupboard in the Jury Room
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These dogs are on the bases of all of the ceiling struts
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Admiral Lord Nelson's sword, and above is the Mourning Sword ... King Edward IV, visited this city in the year 1473 with his Queen and the Prince his son: he was presented by the citizens with a purse, containing 100 gold nobles, and the Queen and Prince with 20l in gold each: this was most graciously received; and the King, in return for their loyalty, at his departure, took his sword from his side, and gave it to the Mayor, to be carried before him and his successors on all public occasions. In Charles II's reign it was put into mourning, to be carried on the anniversary ofCharles I's execution in 1649. The last time it was used was for Winston Churchill's funeral memorial service. The sword you can just see is the Ceremonial Sword. In 1497 Exeter's citizens successfully resisted the rebel army of Perkin Warbeck, who besieged Exeter in his bid to win the English throne from Henry VII. Grateful for the city's loyalty, Henry awarded symbols of his special favour: the Cap of Maintenance and the Ceremonial Sword. This is the replacement Cap, made in 2009.
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This painting is of the Duke of Wellington, isn't it?  No!  If you look you recognise the horse as that of Napolean's.  The painting was also of him, but when he lost the battle at Waterloo, the French destroyed his face and decorations  ... look at the lower picture
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Tags: camera, exeter, history

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