Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

365 Meme Day 5 & 6

Sorry I missed yesterday, but could add that to a positive post ... Claire and I went to dinner and then went to see Star Wars : Rogue One. I enjoyed it, but what was also great is so did Claire ... and she's not really a Star Wars geek. So obviously as a stand-alone film for her it was well done, even though she missed a few in-jokes.

5 - Can people change?

Characters, etc ... Sadly, I don't. I know that we all can change, but sadly I think that most people have an in-grained nature, that makes it hard to alter their attitude.

However I do believe that with faith, or similar, a burglar/murderer/etc can change ... providing they have good support.

6 - What made you smile today?

Didn't have work, so could get up later!! That's enough to cheer anyone up!

The list of 365 questions can be found here
Tags: 365 meme, claire, people, positive post, star wars, work

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