We went out to the valley that we had been through a few times, however instaed to sticking to the track we spent an hour going through the trees, up hills, down banks, through the stream - and generally "playing". As we were in a valley - and in trees we were sheltered from the cold wind - so it was lovely!
Coming back wasn't so fun as we were overtaken by a van with a huge dog in the back which barked nastily - spooking the horses to bolt. Sadly the driver kept coming - so it took some time to settle the 2 boys - so sad - and especiall;y on a day when 2 1/2 hours were amazing - to have it upset by 5 minutes. Still - I am going to focus on the rest - and just say -
It was a really amazing ride .. Thanks Toni for taking me there (and for teaching me to ride in the first place) - and thanks DJ for letting me have fun today - Hope you did as well!