Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

December Meme ... Day 9

Day 09 → talk about art this year

Selling Mum & Dad's house means that we had to have all the belongings sorted, and for that we had a lot of Mum's paintings. Some of them are very special, and luckily we all had different tastes so there were actually no arguments .... thankfully.

When I was in London I went to the National Gallery (pics to come at some point), and it was great to wander through. Some of the viewing I did was that of strolling past, but when I saw something I liked I looked closer.

For both Mum and the gallery one of the things I like are pictures that are "real" ... I like to see what I am looking at, and especially one that has a lot of details.

One of my favourites is Canaletto, and when you look at his work you see what I mean.

 photo 05101_1731854c_zps5b5n2pzi.jpg
Tags: art, december meme, mum

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