Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

A Proper Post!

I am so busy spamming you with London photos, as well as managing to keep up to date with the December Meme that I haven't actually done a proper post in ages ... so here goes.

  • First, I am so sorry, but I forgot to post Birthday wishes to gillo and shaddyr yesterday.  I truly hope you both had lovely days, being spoilt by those you love and that the coming year will be a truly special one.

  • I have just got back from the doctors.  I have been signed off for the rest of this week with the option to just phone in on Monday if I still feel rough.  It is being called a viral chest infection, but basically exhaustion on top of that.  I have had viral chest infections most years, normally lasting about 5 - 7 days, so it's obvious when my body has to slow down that's what gets to me.

  • Jiffy has another bad skin infection, so he was happy to go and see Marni for a cuddle (and anti-biotics!)

  • My new kitchen worksurface arrives tomorrow.   So when I finish this I have to clear all the surfaces.

  • I really need to get organised for Christmas.  I think I have done most of the shopping, but need to sort it out and post things off.  I haven't even thought about cards, but already received some, so I must focus.  Maybe I will try to get started tomorrow while my kitchen is being dismantled.

  • Yesterday I had a suprise phone call.  The person who had been Mum's friend while they were at school during the war.  They lost some of their closeness when she married, and then Mum moved away, but have still kept in touch and visited .  She just phoned to find out how I was coping.  So that was really lovely.

Well, anyone who is still awake wins a special award.

Now, I will post some more London photos later! But to finish, a Christmas song I heard on the radio this morning -
Tags: birthday, christmas, decorating, ill, jiffy, rl, you tube

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