Highlights included being at The Cenotaph on Remebrance Day, having my photo taken with Yoda (!) ... and the star moment being spending a couple of hours with the truly lovely
Just collected Jiffy, and Sarah assured me he was happy, except for the fireworks, but he managed to find somewjere safe to hide. However he did spend quite a bit of time either sitting by the front door, or by his "case". Yes, he was happy to see me, but great to see he was OK to give Sarah a cuddle as we left.
I have taken this afternoon off work in the end, to relax, and start the photos for you all! Also I have the decorators here ... Yay, and they have told me next week they will do my hall, stairs and landings So, this afternoon I must go and get carpets organised!
Well I had better get on - my washing is on the line, but I do need to finish unpacking, write some letters, and then look at some of my photos.
I will be spamming for the rest of the week!!!
btw, did I miss anything?