Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Jiffy Showing He Knows The Phrase "Things Happen In Three's"

As you know he was due surgery on Tuesday and all went well.  His Anal Glands have now gone (and so is that infection) and the huge wart on the side of his face has gone.  Although benign it was large and he was scratching at it occasionally.  So, as he had to have an anaesthetic Marni decided to do them both.

As ever it is hard to get him re-starting drinking.  He was happy to eat but it was over 24 hours before he drank.  This photo was taken just as we came home - you can just see the scar on his cheek - he has 8 stitches in it, so that should give you some idea of the size.

 photo DSC_0490_zpssajxwtnz.jpg

He had his check up today, and all going well ... except for the fact he now also has an ear infection on the other side.  So he has certainly been a "busy" boy.

Jiffy loves Marni and al the staff, and even today was happy to see them all.  I am glad.  However when I went to the supermarket today I was even happier.  The cashier and I talked about dogs (I had bought food), and her dog had cut his leg and needed one suture under sedation - £300!  Jiffy's 2 ops under anaesthetic were £350, which I though was a pretty good amount really.  Although I may send him out begging if he does similar again!!

Anyway, the good news is that he is doing well.

We go tomorrow to meet a lady who may look after him while I am away.  So hope he is on my best behaviour, as I don't want to have to cancel my plans for London.
Tags: camera, doggy sitter, jiffy, operation, vet

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