Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,



A bad back meant I didn't sit to go online

Now sitting with Dad who is poorly

Quick update but only have my phone with me
Tags: dad

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    ... Or, is it "Happy Tie-Spike-To-A-Chair" Day. Maybe I should do a re-watch. I do hope that all of you who celebrate, however that…

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  • Happy Thanksgiving

    ... Or, is it "Happy Tie-Spike-To-A-Chair" Day. Maybe I should do a re-watch. I do hope that all of you who celebrate, however that…

  • Happy 100th Birthday, Dad!

    It would have been Dad's 100th birthday, so in a short while I am walking to Tim & Claire's and then we are walking into the city to have…

  • London Trip #4

    Well this is the last lot until next week .... honest. For years, while I lived in Essex, I used to go and meet up with friends at The Field of…