Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Day Trip, Last Friday

Last Friday (so I am late posting the pictures, but they still count as a Friday post) Christine and I went out for the day tp Knightshayes Tiverton. It took us about 40 mins to get there, and although the weather wasn't 100% we had a great time, and didn't really get wet either.

The stable block ....
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Now a restaraunt
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The house itself
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Both before and after strolling through the house we enjoyed the grounds.

Part of the Kitchen Garden
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I've found a friend!
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We walked through the various sections of the garden and woods ... and spotted this lizard.  I'm just glad it's not real!
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This is the same size and basic colour of my Jaykub.  Although the length of the tail and mane is more the style of DJ.  So a good combination for me.
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This needs a clipping, but is a pack of hounds (3 here) chasing after a fox.
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So hope you enjoyed ... I have some indoor photos to share later.
Tags: camera, christine, garden, holiday 2016, knighfshayes, photo friday

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