Had a weird day yesterday, with my BP dropping suddenly while I was at Church. Luckily I didn't collapse in a heap, but got to the kitchens before I made a total fool of myself. I saw my own GP today, and all OK ... so it was me being "me" as normal.
I had taken today off work to do some more painting the shed and fence, but it is raining ... so hope it means I can catch up with LJ (have I missed anything), and continue doing some more sorting of my spare room ... certainly a never-ending task!
When I was getting up this morning this song was on the radio.
It brought back memories of my last year of school, and I certainly didn't like Mondays because even now I remember I started the day with double chemistry. Good subject, weird teacher!!
However listening to the first few words made me wonder about the Spike storyline in season 4 ... "silicon chip inside her head". I wish I were clever enough to let the plot bunnies multiply!