Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Well I Made It!!

As my Daily Bible Reading reminded me today - "God, you have put my life back together" (Psalm 4).  As I type this I realise that I am having a "normal" day.  In fact my whole week has been pretty easy.

Today I have taken Jiffy for a walk, done some shopping, eaten dinner, done some sorting, and now I have pc time.  Just one year ago today I was nursing a very sick Mum ... she had C Diff, a urine infection and flu.  However as there was an NHS crisis, and I am a nurse, she stayed home ... until 3 days later when the doctor realised she was getting rapidly worse.

Almost 4 weeks of hospital and she came home, and it was then I realised how week he was.  It was a long year, as I look back on it ... but at the time, day by day, it was just something I needed and wanted to do.

Over this last year I have not been around much, but when I have the love and support from many of you has been amazing.  However, for those  who were concerned, let me assure you that if I had to re-do this year I would.  Yes, it was frustrating, tiring, lonely, but I am glad I did it.

I still feel really in limbo about Mum, but know that I will come to terms with things in my own time.

Dad seems to be slowly settling into his new home ... when I went in yesterday he was telling me about some discussion that he and a couple of the other men had over lunch.  It didn't make much sense to me, but he seemed happy, so that is the main thing.  Jiffy is more settled.  He has a couple of favourite walks, and enjoys deciding which one to go on, and he certainly knows where his treats are stored!

I have managed to sort out my bedroom this week, as I had to amalgamate 2 sets of clothes, 2 sets of jewellery, etc.  So at least that seems "me" now.  I know that soon we will have to sell Mum & Dad's, but I am having a couple of weeks off of even thinking about that.

So, now I am in 2016, and like last year I don't know what it will hold.  However I do know that the support of friends, and with God's strength I will get through it.

Happy New Year to you all.
Tags: 2016, dad, daily bible reading, housework, jiffy, mum, rip

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