It must be hard to spend your birthday in hospital, but even more so when things are generally confused. Poor Daddy. As well as those of us in the photos, a couple of couples from Church popped in. So by the evening he was pretty tired and stressed, but overall the rest of us have good memories.
Nick came down the day before
Me and my daddy
Dad with his cards on his bed ... and the "ballon" the staff gave him.
Yes, Jiffy was invited by the staff.
In my "spare" time when not sorting out the house (of which I now have the whole lot to do) I am trying to find the right place for dad to live. As I said in my last posting Dad actually spared me the decision, but sadly he now tends to think it will happen "now" .... but I haven't even seen one place, let alone made a decision ... and the hospital still have a lot of paperwork to do.
So my MIA continues ... hope all is well with you all. Miss you.