Still trying to catch up with some news on your LJ's ... but am sure I have missed loads. I also have quite a few comments on my own LJ that needs to be replied to. So will do a mini catch-up ....
- Dad is not doing so well. His vocabulary has decreased, and so it's very frustrating for him (and us).
- Mum is not coping with Dad. She is sure that he could "pull himself together" .... Sadly however many times I explain to her the sad truth of Alzheimer's her memory is not good either. That doesn't help in general either as she accuses me of forgetting to tell her things.
- Jiffy is doing well - he had a hair-cut last week, and Jackie said his skin is pretty well.
- Saw this amazing hearse last week on a walk with Jiffy (did post on FB and Instagram)
- Today I managed to damage my right calf muscle as I skidded taking Jiffy for a walk.
- Last Wednesday I played "hookey" from Mum! I took the day off work - went to a stately home (photos to follow). I also did a bit to sort out my back garden ... as well as sleeping a bit.
- I managed to cut the grass yesterday, as well as get some work done with dad in his general garage clear-out.
Hope all is well with you all.