Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Busy, Busy, Busy.

What a busy few days .... sorry I didn't update when I came back from Plymouth.

Christine and I had a great day ... the weather was lovely, and we walked miles. I took loads of photos, so will try to share at some point.

I did a day and a half work ... then took mum for a chest x-ray. Today it's been busy ... doing some shopping for mum, gave Jiffy a shower, then dad and I did gardening ... an hour in the morning, then lunch, then another hour this afternoon. Then did the weekly shop, made tea and now watching TV with mum and dad ... an episode of The Waltons.

So life is busy ... but trying to keep in touch with you all

Tags: christine, chronic fatigue syndrome, jiffy, mum and dad, plymouth

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