Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

MIA ..... Will Catch Up Next Week (I Hope)

Just to let you know Mum wasn't very well over the weekend, and I persuaded her to go to A&E ... and they kept her in.

I had been saying she didn't drink enough for ages and she was seriously dehydrated, and had a bowel problem that they are doing a colonoscopy on this morning.

They also need to (at long last) sort out her medication ... her doctor is the laziest woman around!

So, I am Daddy & Jiffy sitting ... and have little internet (or time)

Trying to get their Christmas cards/letters/shopping sorted ... then next week I start mine!  So like my icon I feel I am doing a lot of juggling!

Hope you are all behaving yourselves!
Miss you all
Tags: christmas, dad, ill, mia, mum, personal

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