However Dad said that he had a great time - one of the best birthdays.
On the Thursday I arrived not long before lunch, and he opened his "90" badge! Then off to lunch - a local carvery. Although he wore a jacket, the badge peeped through, so a lot of people wished him a happy birthday ... which was really nice for him. His mother was in no way maternal, and then it was the depression, so birthdays as a kid would have been low-key ... so nice that he had a lot of fuss from those he met.
However, he has this one picture that is dated 11 weeks old -

So, a good lunch. Then back to open his cards and pressies. Just as he finished a couple from our Church came round, so I took Jiffy for his walk.
Mum and Dad had a snooze before a late-ish tea ... and then one of Dad's favourite films on DVD - "Some Like It Hot" ... he may be 90, but Marilyn Monroe in "those" dresses finished off his day well for him!
The Birthday Boy

Mum and dad (ooops, he had his eyes closed in the first one!)

With Jiffy ... Dad is nervous of holding him in case he drops him, so never does, but Jiffy was a good boy and didn't wriggle ... must have known we wanted to keep the picture!

Yes, that's me! The necklace I am wearing is also on the photo that I shared of his parents engagement (last week) ... and Grandma had a baby picture of Dad plus one of Granddad at the time, in it.