Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Holiday Photos 14 .... Trafalgar Square

We are now on the last set of pictures of views of London.  I left Trafalgar Square to last as I went there on 3 of the days.  Also when I was at college for 3 of my 4 years, I used to walk across the Square to and from class ... soa  place I know well, and still love very much.

When I went to college this section was road, and they have now pedestrianised it.  This time there were always selections of these floating people here.
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The National Gallery
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Nelson's Column
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I actually quite like the latest statue ... however I wish it wasn't here, but something more traditional
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St Martins-in-the-field
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And up the road is the Edith Cavell Memorial
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And down the road is Charing Cross, and the re-constructed Eleanor Cross
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There are a few more pics here if you want to have a look
Tags: camera, holiday 2014, london

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