Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Supernatural Characters In Icon Form

This set of icons is for Round 60 of character20n20 and the theme this time is one of supernatural characters.  There is no set person that you needed to chose, and my icons come from Vampire Diaries, BtVS and one from Torchwood.

This comm always is a challenge, and I notice this time a few have dropped out as it was too specific in it's requirements.  I am the opposite, in that I may moan and grumble, but those challenges are what make me hunt for new ideas in my icon making.  In fact a couple of these are like nothing I have ever made before - so it was a good learning curve for me!

Anyway, enough waffle - Here are the 3 teasers -

       photo Horns_zps877760d3.jpg      photo FangsandCloseUp_zps7291ac7d.jpg      photo Magic_zps2aa0081f.jpg


Blood Evil Fangs Close Up Horns Magic
 photo Blood_zps8dd2fefa.jpg  photo Evil_zpse342e2dd.jpg  photo FangsandCloseUp_zps7291ac7d.jpg  photo Horns_zps877760d3.jpg  photo Magic_zps2aa0081f.jpg
Space & Stock Vintage Violent Wings Zombies
 photo SpaceampStock_zps2ede0379.jpg  photo Vintage_zps1297a324.jpg  photo Violent_zpsdc70789e.jpg  photo Wings_zps68528454.jpg  photo Zombie_zps37fe6276.jpg

CATEGORY (Color Coded Characters)

one two three four five
 photo Cat-Vampire_zpsc4609bfa.jpg  photo Cat-VengenceDemon_zpsf9a875fd.jpg  photo Cat-wearwolf_zps47532cbb.jpg  photo Cat-Hunter_zpsf94bcf20.jpg  photo Cat-deadmanwalking_zpsec911a74.jpg


artist's choice 1 artist's choice 2 artist's choice 3 artist's choice 4 artist's choice 5
 photo AC1_zps4224b97e.jpg  photo AC2_zps6900d77a.jpg  photo AC3_zpsd98ebd8e.jpg  photo AC4_zpsb5ef9f33.jpg  photo AC5_zps58d129fd.jpg

The colours I chose in the Cat Set are as follows -

Cat 1 - Spike - BtVS
Cat 5 - Owen Harper (Torchwood)
Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.
Spike is a Vampire - the classic supernatural character.
Owen was killed in the series, and brought to life for a minute to give a computer code ... however his revival became permenant, although he didn't eat, sleep, etc ...a  true "dead man walking"

Cat 2 - Anya (BtVS)
Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy.
Anya was a Vengeance Demon turned human, turned Vengeance Demon.  Her characters of vengeance were shared with a love of money.

Cat 3 - Oz (BtVS)
Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination.
Oz is turned into a werewolf early in the series, and certainly shows these characteristics.

Cat 4 - Jeremy Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)
Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.
Jeremy is a "Hunter", and his role is meant to be that of destroying the "Originals"

These colour codes are copied from this site

As ever, most of the credits for the backgrounds/brushes/screen caps are to be found at my icon journal - d4s_icons   And, as ever, all are snaggable.

Tags: btvs, competition, icons, torchwood, vampire diaries

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