Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

BtVS Season 3 Icons .... And A Few Thoughts On WWI, 100 Years On

At long last I have my internet back.  The company I am with did loads of tests and eventually said they couldn't find the problem.  If I needed more tests I would have to pay to get my house checked.  Anyway, I had to send a couple of photos to a friend and gave it a go ... it worked!  So whatever they did or didn't do, it worked.

Now I have a set of icons to post .... these are for round 3 of btvsats20in20 and my theme is BtVS season 3.  Hopefully, as ever I have managed to both capture a few of the more unusual images, as well as some of the on-going story.  Anyway ... hope you enjoy them.

Here are the 3 teasers -

 photo Cat3_zps75c990b4.jpg  photo Yellow_zpsfa864fc3.jpg    photo FullBody_zps39631c28.jpg

10 Themes
Full Body Minimalism Heartbreak Yellow Matching Background
 photo FullBody_zps39631c28.jpg  photo Minimilisation_zps0e978d5b.jpg  photo Heartbreak_zpsafa7eb99.jpg  photo Yellow_zpsfa864fc3.jpg  photo MatchingBackground_zps877f69de.jpg
Fear Grunge Favourite Touch Mod’s Choice
 photo Fear_zps4f06e9c6.jpg  photo Grunge_zps772c8441.jpg  photo Favourite_zps7edef7d4.jpg  photo Touch_zps43ddebd1.jpg  photo ModsChoice_zps8903c9d6.jpg
Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5
 photo Cat1_zpsab89975b.jpg  photo Cat2_zpsc8ce5c74.jpg  photo Cat3_zps75c990b4.jpg  photo Cat4_zps8e9f0976.jpg  photo Cat5_zps75018ec6.jpg
5 Artist's Choice
AC 1 AC 2 AC 3 AC 4 AC 5
 photo AC1_zpsdb37d04d.jpg  photo AC3_zps06c929be.jpg  photo AC2_zps5337f26a.jpg  photo AC5_zps03c45f8a.jpg  photo AC4_zps6e48ba72.jpg

As ever, most of the credits for the backgrounds/brushes/screen caps are to be found at my icon journal - d4s_icons
And, as ever, all are snaggable

So, now I have internet and actually had to cancel todays shift as I am in too much pain to work, I shall get some photos of my London holiday posted. As I do that I am watching the WWI services from yesterday, as I don't have a TV I am catching up on iPlayer.
I did remember to turn my lights out ... and had a candle burning in my window ... and at 11 when I blew it out, I noticed the house opposite me doing the same ... that is part of what remembrance should be about - we are all affected.
Tags: btvs, icons, remembrance, season 3, ww1

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