Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Holiday Photos 2 .... Hyde Park & The Royal Albert Hall

As I said in my post #1 I stayed near Hyde Park, so once I had made my bed I headed out into the sunshine for a walk through the corner of the park ....Great to see people just relaxing and having fun.  It was also lovely to see new trees growing.  Traditional English varieties are not always seen nowadays, so good to see Oak tree in baby form!!

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One of the older trees, now protected -
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An Edwardian Water Fountain
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And, so through the park to the Albert Hall
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Another thing I mentioned in my last post is how proud I am of Dad.  I have been to the Royal Albert Hall three times.  The first was to see him receive a Diploma from Imperial College (an honourary degree, given for those with good college results) and then when he received his PhD.

I have also attended the Festival of Remembrance (held ever Remembrance Saturday)

The Royal Albert Hall
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Opposite the Hall is the memorial to Prince Albert
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Tags: camera, dad, holiday 2014, london, tree

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