How are you all?
Glad you enjoyed my photos round Exeter - it was fun to spend the day, and I was happy to be able to share with my friends. I shall get round to answering comments in a moment.
On Saturday I drove Mum, Dad & Jiffy to Nick & family ... normally a 2 hour journey, but the roads were hectic, so it took longer. In the afternoon Jiffy took Brenda and myself for a good walk ... so a nice day overall.
On Sunday, Jiffy needed to recover ... as you can see here -
I was glad the photos came out, as my camera was mucking up ... so I have sent it off today for repair ... and am now panicking that I wont get it back in a moth's time ready for my London trip.
I loved "Skin Game" ... I have loved the whole series of books, but will admit this was one I found hard to put down. I must hurry up and listen to my back CD's so that I can listen to this one as well. As ever, a great story, lovely part of the Dresden epic ... and now I can't wait for the next book to be written!
Hope life is OK with you all.
Happy Monday!