Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Exeter's Ancient Heritage

Carrying on my yesterdays posts of my day in my own home "town", I wanted to show you how much, even in the midst of a modern city, the ancient remains with us.

Exeter was the furthest west the Romans settled, and it was a walled city in those days ... as it (mostly) is today.

In 1066 King Harold's mother lived here, and rebelled against the Normans, so King William conquered and built a castle here as well ... sadly much of that was destroyed with subsequent developement, but the gateway through the Roman wall "survives"

The gardens we walked through are looking stunning ... very "cottage garden" in appearance.

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We were going to take photos of each other, but another walker took the picture
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The remains of the Norman Gateway can be seen here, in the Roman walls!
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This bit of the wall is part of the museum grounds.
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Tags: camera, christine, exeter, history

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