I set the alarm for about 7.45 as I have to make sure Dad is awake and focussed. So breakfast, and organising Dad, then off to Church. My Dad is 89 and suffers from Alzheimer's, but at the moment he is playing the piano for services, as our normal musician is sadly suffering with cancer.
So, off to Chapel (we are members of the Plymouth Brethren) and our group has 2 services on a Sunday morning. The first service was lovely ... especially as we started with one of my favourite hymns. Sadly I decided to head home rather than wait for the next service ... I have a virus on my diaphragm at present, and coughed, coughed, coughed ... so thought I would let the rest of the congregation should have some peace and quiet!
Once home I went to bed for a couple of hours. Mum was on the phone when we got in, so we ended up having a late lunch (roast chicken, and apple crumble).
After lunch I read the paper to Mum while Dad took their Westie for a walk. My Mum is registered blind, so it is good to read things to her ... and to do the crossword.
After tea (of Chelsea Buns - that Mum had made that morning) we chatted a bit more, before I headed off to my place (which is 25 minutes drive away), and once here I got caught up with LJ.
Then early-ish to bed, and a bit of reading, before turning off the light at 10.30.