Well a few months back I did the 12th diary ... and a group of us said that we would try to do it every month. I failed miserably, so have decided to make a valient effort today!
My day started at about 6.30 when I woke ahead of my alarm ... and read until 7am, when the news switched on. I got up, listening to that and headed down to get a pint of water to drink (stopping at the loo on the way past!). Then back to my room, to listen to my radio while I cut my hair (someone commented last week that I had "happy hair" ... in other words it was all fluffy!!). After it was cut short again I coloured it ... yep, I cheat!
Then while that was taking I read my Bible ... I am reading through a version that takes both Old & New Testaments each day. Today it was 2 chapters from The Revelation, and one from Isaiah.
Then shower and part-dressed, breakfast and making of sandwiches ... before putting on my uniform and heading into work ... starting this morning at 8.30am.
My morning (as an Auxilliary Nurse) was spent as a "runner" in a surgical outpatients department, till 1pm. Then I walked to the other end of the hospital, grabbed my lunch and spent the afternoon as a chaperone in a Gynae clinic. One great thing about being on the bank is the variety in work.
When I left at 5pm, I headed to another clinic to hope to say Hi to a lady from my Church who was in for Chemo, but I just missed her. So I headed home.
Once home I spent about 1/2 hour doing some painting in my lounge, I am about 1/3 of the way through, and was doing the finishing touches to that section, ready to move furniture tomorrow.
Then dinner (which had been cooking during that time ... pork chop, roast potatoes & onions peas; an orange ... and a mug of tea)
Then up to my computer (it's in my spare room) ... and caught up with e-mails, LJ messages, etc ... Now writing this.
Once this is posted I have a letter to write to post tomorrow on my way to Bible Study; then I shall make some Star Trek Voyager icons, till bedtime (at about 9.30) ... read for some time before the lights go out.
Hope your day was more fun!!