Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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100 Meme - Film # 40

Thunderbirds ... The year is 2010. Teenager Alan Tracy, sent off to a distant boarding school, is the youngest of the sons of Jeff Tracy, a retired American astronaut. Jeff, a widower, has formed International Rescue, and raised his sons to act as a secret, volunteer organization which uses highly advanced technology to save lives worldwide. Jeff and his older sons John, Virgil, Scott, and Gordon, who like Alan were named after the Mercury Seven astronauts are joined in this effort by Lady Penelope and her butler/chauffeur Parker. Their futuristic hardware is largely developed by a genius scientist known as Brains, who lives at the International Rescue base on Tracy Island, somewhere in the Pacific.

Even better is that Jeff Tracey is played by Bill Paxton, who was Fred Haise in the epic Apollo 13 film.

And for those who don't know why I wanted to share this film ... This is the real reason, the original series that I loved, still love ... and gave me an abiding love for all things sci-fi!

Sorry for the delay in doing this meme, I will try to get back on track.
Tags: 100 meme, film, sci fi, you tube

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