Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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100 Meme - Film # 39

Just trying to get back to my meme-ing. I love both Timothy Dalton and (especially) Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. It was hard to pick one of the many the 2 of them did - but I decided to pick The World Is Not Enough as there are the most amazing chase sequences - especially this one at the start through London.

An oil tycoon is murdered in MI6 and Bond is sent to protect his daughter. Renard, who has a bullet lodged in his brain from a previous agent, is secretly planning the destruction of a pipeline. Bond gains a hand from a research scientist, Dr. Christmas Jones who witnesses the action which happens when Bond meets up with Renard, but Bond becomes suspicious about Elektra King, especially when Bond's boss, M goes missing. Bond must work quickly to prevent Renard from destroying Europe. And, if you still don't know which film it is - Here is the trailer -

Tags: 100 meme, you tube

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