Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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More Decorating ....

But at least I think the ceiling is finished.  I have also decided that while I am moving a few bits (fridge/tumble drier/etc) I will give the floor a good clean, and sort out the cupboards etc.  Ihave lived here over a year now, so now know that a couple of cupboards have un-needed stuff, and one need to be totally re-organised.

Had to get some computer time this morning as it's Auntie Joyce's birthday on Sunday and I wanted to write a letter and now I am back off to the Post Office ... However the sun is shining, so that will be nice.

So, todays track to share came from my pc while writing, not the CD I had on while in my kitchen.  I had just pribted the letter and was about to turn the pc off when the next song's intro started ... at the first note I sat and listened to the track -

Couldn't not listen to James singing my favourite, could I? (Just hope he does come over this year)

Tags: decorating, james, you tube

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