Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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London Trip 2012 - Part 6 - Trafalgar Square

I ended up in Trafalgar Suare on thge last "steps" of this mammoth day in London.  I spent 3 of my 4 years at college near here, so it is a place I know well.  However it is fun to actually spend a few minutes really looking at the stunning statues.

For example just behind The National Gallery is thePhotobucket

Edith Cavell was a nurse who was executed as a spy during WWI, for those who don't know.

The National Gallery -
Yes I did go in for a short time ... it is a really lovely building with some beautiful pieces of work. So I wandered round and studied some small Canelleto's (of Venice).

St Martin in the Fields -


Nelson's Column ... again the sun was very low by now -


And, so back to the hostel ... via Kings Cross MacDonalds, of course!

Tags: camera, london

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