Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Assorted Icons!

This set of icons was made for freedom20in20 round 11 .... my first set of icons for this group, so hope they are OK ... it was harder, in some ways, with a broad range of themes available.

Anyway, here are my 3 teasers -

     Photobucket       Photobucket       Photobucket


Bad GuyBitchLackadaisyBlue HairPink
PoisonStupid GirlStrange FashionTattooTV Serial

Category - Unloved Characters

Category #1Category #2Category #3Category #4Category #5

Artist's Choice

AC #1AC #2AC #3AC #4AC #5

Hopefully you can see what I decided to do for my AC set ... balances off my Cat Set!
As ever, all are snaggable, but credit would be appreciated. All credits are available on my Icon Journal, although a few of the images are unlisted, and are from copywrite-free sites.
Tags: icons

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