Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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One of us had a lazy morning ...

Guess Who?

Yes - young DJ!  We went with Toni and 2 of her horses - she rode Junior and led Badger.  Today's ride was only to the next hamlet - about a mile each way, so just a case of getting them to do some exercise - then putting them back in their boxes - So they could work hard ... eating hay, snoozing, etc!

While they lazed around, Toni and her husband enrolled me in helping to reinforce some fencing.  DJ's field was to be changed and the boundary had to be safe and secure for them.  So - electric tape had to be placed around the whole area and the gates well secured.

After DJ had recovered from his hard work, he had his feed and a carrot (to help aid his recovery!) and then out to explore his new field, with his friend Conrad.  They didn't get very far inside as the grass was too good not to sample.  

So as you can see - he is a much abused pony!
Tags: dj

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