Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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100 Meme - Film #17

For my birthday last year, Nick bought me a set of 50 films on DVD, and I am slowly watching those I didn't know. The latest one Blood on the Sun is starring James Cagney, and although filmed in 1945 it is in B&W.

Nick Condon James Cagney) is a newspaper reporter working in Tokyo who refuses to toe the Japanese line on the expansionist policies of the anti-democratic Imperialist government. When it become clear to the authorities that Condon isn't going to cooperate and that he has some valuable information and contacts, they decide to get him in their clutches for some interrogations and then dispose of him.

According to IMDb ... "The DVD sleeve notes claim that this was one of the first American martial-arts movies. Though not a martial-arts movie by modern standards and definitions, judo is seen in the movie and with James Cagney performing it. Cagney insisted on doing his own stunts in the film."

This really brought back some great memories for me as I learnt Judo for 7 years ... so, yes, I know how to do these moves (even the strangle at the end!)

Tags: 100 meme, film, you tube

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