Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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My Holiday - Day 2

I did warn you I would end up leaping around as I uploaded the pics.

This was the Tuesday, and although Annemarie is not a fan of visiting places, she loves "critters" ... Jiffy was a firm favourite, of course.  So, on the Tuesday afternoon I took her to Living Coasts which is part of Painton Zoo ... but is actually on the edge of Torquay Harbour.

The weather wasn't promising for an outdoor venue, but we had dry weather the whole time ... so it was great to wander around, and take photos. I took over 100, so they are not all here! But I do have the link at the bottom of the mini pic-scam for the album if you want to see more.

Overall I loved the Macaroni Penguins the best ... Having not seen them before -








Photobucket The whole album can be seen here

Hope you enjoyed them as much as we did.

Tags: annemarie, camera, holiday, torquay

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